Best Diets for Menopause

woman eating salad

Menopause is something that inevitably happens to every woman, usually between the age of 45 and 55. During this time, periods stop entirely, and women are no longer capable of bearing children. Due to hormonal changes, menopause is followed by a range of usually unpleasant symptoms.

Menopause And Hair Texture: A Hairy Problem

Menopause And Hair Texture (2)

Menopause is a time in women’s lives when they experience changes in their hormones. These hormonal changes can cause a change in hair texture and color, hair thinning, or even baldness. The most common reason for these changes is your hormone levels. The change in hormone levels causes the scalp to produce less oil, which makes hair dry and brittle.

PeriMenopause And New Food Allergies

PeriMenopause And New Food Allergies

Menopause is a natural part of aging. Some women experience menopause before other women because of genetics, but experience menopause at a similar time in life. Hormone levels change a lot during menopause causing some problems such as an increase in food allergies. Why is this? Let’s find out.

Menopause And Gas: A Stealthy Symptom

Menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life where she stops menstruating due to hormonal changes. This usually happens after 40 years of age. During this time, women experience various symptoms such as hot flushing, night sweats, mood swing, insomnia, anxiety, depression etc. These symptoms are called menopausal symptoms. These are the most common … Read more

Menopause And Chills: Desperate For A Solution?

Menopause And Chills

We’ve all heard of hot flashes during menopause, but did you know another symptom is cold chills? We can’t get a break, can we? If you are experiencing menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, or insomnia, then you should know that these symptoms are common during menopause. Menopause is the period … Read more